Specialized Furniture


Our manufacturing department has years of experience in constructing special, custom-made furniture for integrating equipment in studios, control rooms, OB vans, cutting rooms, and head-ends. The furniture is made-to-order and can meet specific client demands, with any shape, dimension, and painting accomplished in minimal lead time.


The basic types of furniture we offer include modular tables, monitor walls, 19" support racks, rack sets, and control tables for OB vehicles. The technical tables are modular; the side parts can be enlarged on one or both sides. In addition, each table has compartments for wiring, spacious layout, and lower 19" racks for various equipment storage. 

     MODULAR Pro Desk System catalog

               Modular system of technical desks for TV and radio studios, central security, and other control rooms.

     MODULAR PRO DW System catalog

 Modular system of monitor walls for TV and radio studios, central security, and other control rooms.







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